Our team is specialized in overturning your business processes into digital highways.
Teneo has successfully helped over 50 organizations to achieve their best using digital tools and applications.
- We study and analyze your business processes.
- We assess and understand your business environment.
- We bring the best practices and experiences tailored to your specific needs.
- We suggest and implement software solutions that dissolve your business challenges.
- We help business owners make decisions on real time information, and we enable stakeholders to have access to real time structured data. We take pride in your success!

Microsoft Dynamics 365, as the successor of the already known dynamics nav business solution, contains all the standard functionalities of its predecessor, but also comes with additional functionalities of a modern ERP solution, developed on new technology with an emphasis on integrated business processes of finance, sales and marketing.
Production, purchase and payables, warehouse, service, project management, human resources and payroll.
In order to maximize its efficiency, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is specially adapted to our market and the legal regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and created as a flexible product specializing in various industrial verticals, with the possibility of further adaptation.
Some of the key features that make Microsoft Dynamics 365 a successful business solution for running a company are flexibility, reliability, stability, ease of upgrade, and ease of use.
In addition to its core functionalities, Microsoft Dynamics 365 enables the production and analysis of various reports, and is often praised for its comprehensive integration with the financial granule.
Visually and functionally, it is closely connected to Microsoft windows and Microsoft office, so it is easy to learn, easy to use and quick to implement.

Our team of developers is eager and is waiting for your story tell & specifications and cannot wait to develop custom applications from the scratch only for you.
Teneo developers are agile and use the latest technologies and trends incorporated into enthusiasm to see our clients get what they want and beyond.
Let them impress you!

Every organization today is faced with many risks when conducting their business.
Considering todays digital age, one of the main risks is the one in domain of it which is representing the blood flow of most organizations.
Should it systems fail and stop working, it is most likely that the organization itself would not be in business much longer.
Our certified IT auditors and IT risk experts firstly raise our partners awareness about |IT risks within their organizations.
Once there is awareness about protecting IT systems present and the IT security itself, then the organization can adequately determine its future priorities when it comes to investing in it.
After certified IT audit, our partners receive the complete report about their IT maturity level in accordance with COBIT methodology, the list of identified IT risks across different areas of business, as well as the exact recommendations on how to mitigate or remove those risks.
This represents the excellent ground for any new management or board to get the independent findings on their IT so that they can plan their future investments in IT system.
Call us and we will provide you with more information.